The Feminine Mystique Pdf Free Download

It doesn't matter if you are a boy or a girl; feminism is something you should know about. Sadly, the concept of feminism is getting malicious day by day. And to clear your idea about feminism, The Feminine Mystiquebook can be a good read for you. To know feminism from its roots you can grab this book online. Visitors can download the ebook for free from our website.

the feminine mystique pdf

Summary of The Feminine Mystique Book

This book focuses on the state of mainly American women. It shows the post-World War II situation of women. Their wide spreading dissatisfaction about their life and state is beautifully shown in the book.

There is a predominating concept that only house work, marriage, rearing children, etc. are the only jobs possible for women. So the author coined this term "feminine mystique" to describe this dissatisfaction of women to the world.

She further discusses the prevailing attitude that women don't need higher education to be "Truly women". They don't even need a career or political voice. Their only desire is to deal with the domestic sphere.

The author did not stop there. She also noted the women's voice. She explained how utterly women are in their houses without the freedom to speak. But they don't even know how to express it. Friedan concludes by saying that women cannot live up to the "feminine mystique" and this is the problem that has no name.

You can also download 100 Deadly Skills pdf and enjoy the Book.

Review of The Feminine Mystique

Dear women with voices of your own, it is your duty to know the story of your precursors. If you have your voice today, it is because for that voice Betty Friedan and other feminists like her have fought for you. They wrote books like this and presented the situation to the world. And now you can come out of home, have higher studies and choose your career.

This is a book that was written keeping in mind the early 60's American women. But when you read the book closely it tells the story of women of all time and all places. The best part of this book is that it is still relevant to most parts of the world.

Keep in mind, this book does not promote man hating attitude. It just shows the state of women of that time setting. This book is here to promote women's liberty. And feminism means equality through equity.

About the author

Born as Bettye Naomi Goldstein in 1921, Illinois, the author broke the predominant idea of fulfillment for women and established their rights. She co-founded the National Organization for Women and was its first president in 1966.

Betty Friedan is a writer who herself has lived her book. While stuck at home she researched about what American women want. She has concrete evidence as she conducted a survey on the graduates of Smith College. Thus, in 1963 she published the book.

Detail Information about The Feminine Mystique eBook

Name of the Book The Feminine Mystique
Author Betty Friedan
Language English
Genre Non-fiction
Publishing Date February 19, 1963
Total Page 592
ISBN ISBN13- 978-0393322576


What does the feminine mystique discuss?

The idea of feminine mystique is to idealize women's role at home. They are supposed to be the wife, mother, and daughter. They have no role as a political figure or career-oriented persona. Feminine mystique discusses these roles and how women can break free this stigma.

What did this book accomplish?

With the help of this book, Betty Friedan came up with new grounds for women empowerment. This is a platform where the voice of women raise. Women found their personal role out of their traditional roles. She further advanced it by founding the National Organization for Women.

Was Betty Friedan a housewife?

Betty Friedan has her own experience of living the role she depicted in the book. She worked at various jobs until 1947. After her marriage with Carl Friedan, she spent 10 years as a housewife. Even when she was a housewife she continued to do freelance work for a number of magazines.


Story: 4/5

Engagement: 4.5/5

Characters: 4/5

Writing: 4.5/5

Length of the story: 4/5

Creativity: 4/5

Overall: 4/5

Feminism as a movement started to ensure equality through equity for women in general. To talk about second wave feminism, it started in the 1960s. And this book is a catalyst for the second wave feminists.

There are tons of criticisms on this book. This sure makes the book more interesting for the readers. As a reader, it is your duty to evaluate those criticisms and make your own stand.

This book makes you think about your value in society regardless of your gender. To understand your state better, grabThe Feminine MystiquePDF for free from our website today.

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